Saturday, October 24, 2009

Electrical Inspection #1

We finally had our electrical inspection....after 2 weeks of waiting! Turns out, the guy wasn't getting our messages, and their fax machine wasn't working. I don't know... just a bunch of excuses. Anyways, luckily the inspector adores us. He was so nice and complemented our work. He went on and on about how impressed he was with Alan's work with this being his first house that he's completely wired himself...well of course with my dad's help. Couldn't have done it without him!Anyways, there were 2 very minor things that we have to do before he can approve the rough-in. We have to add one more smoke detector. The book we went by and the codes here are a tad off when it comes to that. So, no big deal at all. It took 5 minutes for Alan to put in. Also, we had to make a few connections to some wires that we thought we were supposed to do after the rough-in was inspected. But everything that we DID do was done exactly right! The inspector is off untill Tuesday, but he said he will come out first thing Tuesday and give us the go ahead once those things are done. He also gave us his personal cell phone number...which is great! He said he doesn't give it out to many people getting inspections, but for some reason he liked us. Things went a LOT better than I was anticiapting. People go to school for years to learn all of the things Alan did, so I was expecting at least something was going to need to be adjusted. I am extremely proud of my husband. He is SUCH a hard worker, and continues to amaze me at how smart he is! So, even though it took forever to get the guy out here, things went well. Granted, we are way behind on production now, because at this point there's nothing we are allowed to do on the house untill the electric and framing inspections are complete and approved. Our next step is soffit and fascia on the exterior and insulation on the interior. Those are next in line, but again neither of those can be done untill our inspections are passed. The framing inspection should be easy. It was the electrical inspection that I was dreading. After these though, we won't have another inspection untill the end! And from here on out, it's just finishing work....story of our LIVES! Everything from here on out will be things that we are both extremely familiar with, so it should go rather quickly and smoothly. As for now, it's just yard work.... that's about all we can do. There's plenty of it though.

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